Monday, May 30, 2011

Skate Shoes go Retro

Ever hear the phrase “Everything old is new again”? In the world of fashion, trends tend to repeat themselves, but designers continue to re-invent these trends and incorporate them in new ways that keep them innovative and relevant. One example of this is the current trending of retro skate shoes. Back in the nineties when skate shoes first hit the scene, some styles were bulky, most were masculine, and graphics were not nearly as powerful as they are today. These shoes were designed primarily with the skateboarder in mind, however, as skateboarding continued to evolve and skate style became a mainstay on the fashion and street scene, skate shoe companies started taking notice and hiring fresh designers. This new crop of talent brought a new point of view and pushed the envelope, coming out with vintage and retro style kicks that complement the fashion comeback of the 70s and 80s.

When you think of retro, you might think of bright colors or modular designs, or maybe you think of art deco and printed patterns. Well, skate shoes and brands like DC Shoe Co. have embraced those trends in the production of new styles that have adults thinking back on the past. Some trends like high tops have made a comeback, as today’s high school kids get their first taste of the fad made popular in the eighties. One of the most noticeable trends for skate shoes is the use of neon colors and vibrant patterns. Electric blue, neon green and Day-Glo orange are popping up everyone on the skate scene in the form of skate shoes, skateboards and sunglasses that pay homage to 80s music videos. The brighter, the better, as youth revolt against the acceptable fashion norms and express themselves and their style freely, and without apology.

Vintage skate shoes have also skyrocketed to must-have status on the fashion scene. Permeating the barrier between skate and pop culture, these vintage kicks have been flying off the shelves. Reminiscent of seventies style and characterized by color blocking and materials like suede and black leather, it’s not uncommon to see middle aged guys sporting the style.

A lot of people have the misconception that skate shoes are expensive, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, these in-demand shoes styles are available online, and you might be surprised at some of the deals you can get on this-season’s now discount shoes.

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